Tuesday, April 23, 2013

                               The Life of Ray Puglia
Who is Ray Puglia? What is interesting about him? What did he do in life? So many questions that can be answered, only after going through some of his belongings to figure out more about this man. Ray Puglia was an amazing Italian American with a life story of a hero. He was born May 10th, 1915, to Catholic parents about a year after the start of WWI and grew up during war times unlike we’ve seen before. He was from Jacksonville, North Carolina where he lived near a marine base, which likely peaked his interest into becoming the decorated soldier he was. He likely attended Jefferson High School according to his class ring and grew up during the Great Depression.
He joined the United States Marine Corp in 1941 after the start of WWII. Puglia was a part of the “Dog Company,” his unit focused more of heavy weapons. He was sent to Japan’s Pacific front where he was initially sent to fight the Japanese. Puglia became even more intriguing because he fought in three wars, WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War. He became a decorated marine by earning two purple hearts which is an incredible honor by any measure and also an indicator of injury during combat.
 Ray ended up marrying an older woman named Eva Stavler, 21 years older than him and who served in the naval reserves. Unfortunately Eva passed away in 1969 while Puglia was serving in Vietnam. He did get married again to Elizabeth Johnson. He settled down in Pennsylvania and kids were no evidence of him having any children but through his pictures he seems to enjoy life.

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